Climate Change Committee Report on UK Government

Today, the Government’s independent advisory committee (CCC) has released a report detailing the risks and opportunities regarding climate action in the UK. Whilst the report includes extensive new evidence on net zero progress in the UK, the section of the report on risks to people and the economy (page 132) is most relevant to Enertechnos.

”Our preparations for climate change in this country are not keeping pace with the extent of the risks that we face.”

Chris Stark (Chief Executive, Climate Change Committee)

A summary of the key points and responses to the report are detailed in a Telegraph article from this morning.

”This new evidence shows that the gap between the level of risk we face and the level of adaptation underway has widened. Adaptation action has failed to keep pace with the worsening reality of climate risk.”

Climate Change Committee Report, 2021


Key findings like this address exactly what we’ve been saying for some time and is why we continue to press government officials and regulators, such as BEIS and Ofgem, about the use of our cable and how it can better equip the grid to withstand these problems.